Watch folder program
Watch folder program

watch folder program watch folder program

Free version – this version is limited to a single folder monitoring, which means you can monitor only one folder at a time, this version if free to download and use with no other limitations.W4F can run in the background from the system tray and use minimum resources and can auto start with different configurations using command line parameters. The program maintains a live log that logs every event, action or settings changes.

watch folder program

W4F can also return the changed object (file, folder, etc.) as an argument to the executed program batch or script so you can predefine automation process for this object, for example you can monitor a folder for new files and when a new file is created you can print the new file or move the file to a different location, open it with a program you want or any other manipulation you need. It can also react for each event with different kind of actions like writing to a log file, display different kind of messages or executing a program, batch or script. Watch 4 Folder 2.5 - a folder monitoring and automation utility that can monitor up to 4 different folders simultaneously for 12 kinds of events and react for each event with different kind of actions.

Watch folder program